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Some good tips for your new Kammi

Impermeabilizzare le scarpe

First rule: waterproofing
Rain, dirt or rubbing can damage shoes of any material. To protect them from stains it is advisable to waterproof them with the appropriate products available on the market. There are different types - sprays, vaporizers, bottles, fats - to be chosen based on the material to be treated. Important: before proceeding with waterproofing, remember to pass them with a moisturizer.

Elimina l\'umidità

Always remove moisture
The feet release moisture that the shoes absorb and accumulate over time, altering their shape and reducing their duration. To counter these threats it is important to promptly eliminate the moisture in the shoes, changing them daily (to dry them completely), using absorbent insoles and keeping them in a dry place, stuffed with newsprint and away from heat sources.

Crema nutriente per le scarpe

Nourish the skin with a cream
Just like you do with your body, even the skin of your shoes needs creams that nourish it and slow down the aging process. Then choose a nourishing cream of a color close to that of your shoes (avoid the neutral, which grays the upper), periodically spread it on the surface with a cloth and rubbed with soft natural bristle brushes.

Cambio di stagione

At each change of season, a preventive treatment
To avoid unpleasant surprises at the next return of the season, clean the sole with a mild detergent, apply the nourishing cream and let them dry in an airy place to remove all traces of moisture. Once the treatment is finished, spread them with the help of a shoemaker or newsprint and store it in a dry shoe rack away from heat sources, preferably in a cotton or wool bag.