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Winter women's shoes

Online sale of winter plateau shoes

Don't want to give up the heel without risking any bad heels? Platform shoes can be the right compromise for women who do not feel comfortable on a stiletto heel but do not want to give up a hyper feminine shoe. Choose the model you prefer and make your occasion really special!

Decolleté Platform shoes

1 products found



Scarpa con tacco 7002 Scarpa con tacco 7002

Shoe with heel 7002

Moccasin with 8 cm black heel and square toe


44,95 €

Platform shoes
The right middle ground between femininity and comfort, plateau shoes represent for many women the solution to the lack of style with heels and evenings ruined by foot pain. Combined with elegant dresses or a casual look, plateau shoes will give each outfit the right dose of sensuality without sacrificing comfort.
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